
Artist Interview: Keitto33

I usually start interviews with a little excerpt about the person being interviewed, but if your art is anything to go by, you’re a fun and playful guy, and I fancy the idea of hearing how you’ll introduce yourself. So, Keitto33, the floor is yours. Tell me about yourself.

bioName: Neo

Horoscope: Sagittarius

Siblings: big broski

Pets: dog,, named Mimmi

Favorite Color: olive green, red, black, blue, mustard yellow.. oh man, what 2 choose????

Favorite Food: I don’t rly hav any,, but anythin vegan is Neo approved!! I also drink coffee a lot B-)

Likes: conspiracy theories,, psychology, Slipknot, videogames and Pringles !

Future Goal(s): tto be happy n healthy!!

Q: Why did you become an artist? Has this always been something you’ve wanted to do? Or were you initially a galra fighting for the rights of the universe?

A: i wish!! i wanted to be an astronaut when i was a kid, but i hav always enjoyed drawin!! it’s something i do almost every day, hopefully in the future too B-)

Q: How did you come up with your artist name?

A: Keitto is finnish,, and it means soup. i guess i just. … like soup :o) the number 33 is just random,, theres no actual story behind it

Q: What has been your biggest challenge so far on your artistic journey?

A: being productive can be real hard somedays,, but luckily the ppl who follow me are rly understanding n supportive! its ok to take a lil break from drawing sometimes!

Keith 1.2Q: What type of art do you enjoy doing? Any particular type you identify with the most?

A: i rly like drawin in the :U style,, and i guess thts the one ppl recognize me for. sometimes I use a little more “animeish”,, realistic style, which is a nice change!

Q: How did you arrive at your art style? How did it evolve to what it is today?

A: oh man…….. it has changed A LOT during this process. i’ve had the general anime phase, realism phase n everythann.. and now im just stuck with the dumb “wtf is this” style :–U but i guess i can say tht im quite happy with it!

Q: I find your style to be refreshing, loose, and humorous. Is this a reflection of what you are like on a daily basis?

A: i guess, yeya!! im p open n easy going irl B-)

Q: If you could marry, kiss, or kill three characters, who would they be, and why?


Q: Why is your favorite COPIC color HONEY?

A: bcs its rly warm + one of my fave colors! wait,, is honey a color?

Q: Is your OC, Jimmy Brown, an extension of you?Jimmy 2

A: im sweating

kinda nah,, kinda yah. the relationship with my relatives is ok, but im in no good terms with my dad.  im not a guy who’s a big fan of drinking, nor im not a huge chick magnet,, but i ddo enjoy flirtin and teasing B-) + unlike Jimmy,, i cant stand spicy food!

Q: Not to be that person, but since you like psychology and conspiracy theories, why do you think I asked to interview you?

A: bcs.. ur from FBI??

Q: What are three things you can’t live without and why?

A: coffee, bcs im addicted. Instagram,, bcs thats where my homies are. and arT bcs arT IS LIFE

Q: What kind of music do you normally listen to when drawing? Any favorites right now?

A: it rly depends on the mood! usually i just go with the random lo-fi playlists i come across,, but nowadays i prefer listenin 2 letsplays while makin art!

Q: Any future projects or plans for the future that you’re currently planning for right now?

A: im gonna open a store real soon,, and hopefully expand the range in the future ;–) i would also like to sell in a con someday!

Q: What is your dream project?

A: make a physical comic!

Q: Professionally, what is your goal?

A: to make myself n other ppl happy w/ what i create!

Q: Are there any words of advice or encouragement you have for other artists out there who are on the same journey as you? 

LK3A: peeple usually ask me “how do i find my own artsyle??” you shouldnt worry abt finding ur style,, bcs it developes naturally. it takes time, but with every piece of drawing ur artstyle grows and changes! dont give up!!

also, worrying about numbers makes you not want to create in a long run. yes, every artist wants recognition, but if you constantly check the amount of likes your posts get and how many followers you gain/lose per day, it will affect your mental health 4 sure. drawing is supposed to be something u love doing for yourself, not for your followers only.

Q: Lastly, thank you for this opportunity to interview you. You will go far, and I can’t wait to see what happens in your bright and glittering future. For my final question, … what fruit do you see yourself as and why? 

A: thank u sm 4 interviewing me!! it was real fun!! !

according 2 buzzfeed, i am. apple. “Apples just have it together and know what’s up.” yes.

baby keith 4Interested in learning more about this unique artist with charismatic style? Check out his Instagram and follow him today!

©Keitto33. All rights reserved.

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