
Fanime 2019 Q&A Panel: THE BEAT GARDEN

Talk about a group that lives up to their name! Making their first debut to the U.S. as Fanime’s musical guest of honor for their 25th Silver Celebration, The Beat Garden seized ahold of the stage and their audience with energetic beats and melodic tones that collided together in a mixed garden of color and glamorous, dance-filled style.

Having just released their newest album, Message, in March, this group has already left a rousing first impression with their new American beemers thanks to their exhilarating and animated performance, making them one of the most memorable acts at Fanime yet. Now, a day later, fans wait eagerly for the opportunity to sprint to the mic and ask their fervent questions to the four men who left them either breathless, clapping, or crying “Potatoes, fries!” into the late hours of the night.

What has been your favorite thing on your trip to the U.S. so far?

U: Last night, (when we all did) the hamburger and fries dance!

Are any of your interested in going to Terrace’s House?

U:  Rei and I like to watch the show, but we don’t want to be on it, no.

What are some of your favorite artists?

U: Linkin Park.

What was your favorite song that you performed at the concert yesterday?

Rei: “Walk This Way” from the anime, Shingeki no Bahamut.

Satoru: “Dancing Man”.

Masato: “Start Button” from the new Final Fantasy movie.

U: “Hamburger, Potato”!

I was dancing and sweating like crazy at your concert last night. You guys were dancing even harder than I was. How did you guys manage to stay so radiant and beautiful until the end?

U: We’re not beautiful! Masato was sweaty. Fans sweating is good. Sweaty is beautiful.

Masato: (It’s) good, good. (Thumbs up)

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

U: Teleportation and kamehameha!

Masato: (I’d be an) invisible man.

Rei: (I’d be an) invisible man too.

Satoru: X-ray vision.

What is your favorite anime/manga from the past year?

U: Naruto.

Masato: Gundam.

Rei: Shingeki no Kyojin.

Satoru: One Piece.

You are some of the most aesthetically pleasing men I’ve ever seen in my life. What do you do to keep fit?

U: Sleep, drink two liters of water a day, eat lots of soba, and eat a lot of hamburgers.

Have you had In-N-Out Burger?

U: My phone has it bookmarked. I know of it.

What are your favorite hobbies aside from singing and dancing?

Rei: Netflix.

Satoru: Going to Japanese onsens.

Masato: Watching American dramas.

U: Sleeping.

Do you have any routines you do before a performance?

U: Yes. We’ll show you (i.e. of what was demonstrated can be found here).

For Satoru- why did you choose to do EDM instead of any other medium? What inspired you?

Satoru: My friends listen to EDM a lot, and I like it too.

If you didn’t work as musicians, what else would you guys be doing instead? 

U: I’d be a farmer. I went to Tokyo University for it.

Rei: I’d be a hairstylist. My parents are hairstylists.

Masato: A car mechanic. I’m licensed for it.

Satoru: I’d be a driver.

I saw that you guys took a picture with Da-iCE. Did you ask them what to expect for Fanime?

U: I talked to Yudai, and he told us that it’s very hot here. Da-iCE is a fellow label-mate. They’re our senpais- we’re their kouhais.

If you decided to cosplay, who would you cosplay as?

U: Frieza (DBZ).

Masato: Machi Sou.

Rei: Link (Zelda).

Satoru: Slam Dunk.

What is your favorite thing to do during summer?

U: I’d like to challenge myself and try to surf.

Satoru: BBQ.

Rei: Go wakeboarding.

Masato: Nothing.

Were you surprised to find out you have U.S. fans and that you would have a tour here in the U.S.?

U: (It was a) big surprise. It made us very happy.

I feel like you all are very close-knit. Who acts like a spoiled child and who acts like the mother and father?

U:  Masato is the mother.

Rei: Because he is very good at cooking.

U: Satoru is the driver. Rei is the father because he’s responsible. I’m the child.

Could you please tell us one good thing about the person (sitting) to your left?

Satoru: Rei is very kind.

Rei: U is the leader because he’s very supportive.

U: I like his (Masato’s) voice.

Masato: Satoru… nothing. Hahaha. He’s very honest.

Satoru- who’s your favorite character in One Piece?

Satoru: Ace!

What’s the first thing you wanted to do when you landed?

Rei: I wanted to eat famous foods from here. Do you have any you recommend?

(Fans: Johnny Rocket’s! In-N-Out!)

Masato: Next time, I want to go to Disneyland.

U: Same.

Satoru: Watch baseball.

Where did you all meet and become friends?

U: Me, Masato, and Rei met at the music studio during high school. Satoru came later. Me and Sato(ru) are from the same hometown.

Any hobbies?

Rei: Soccer.

Masato: Photography.

U: Dogs. I have 11 in my house.

Satoru: Baseball and basketball.

Do you listen to music when you drive? If so, what genre?

U: The Beat Garden. Hahaha. Linking Park, Limp Bizkit, FLOW, and other artists.

Do you have a favorite animal? Spirit animal? If so, what would they be?

Satoru: A fox.

Rei: A lion.

U: A monkey.

Masato: Dogs.

You guys just had a concert on Friday in Japan, and then one here on Saturday. How did you manage to come here so prepared and still look as nice as you do?

U: We are not beautiful. Hahaha. Being live on a stage makes us kirei (pretty).

Everyone says Rei is the nicest person. Are there any times he snaps?

U: Ahahaha! Whenever someone touches his phone without asking, he goes, “Nooooo! You b—-!”!

Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?

Rei: Miyavi.

U: UverWorld.

Who are your musical influences? Anyone that inspires your music?

Rei: Charlie Puth.

U: Linkin Park, Bruno Mars, and other Japanese pop artists.

Masato: Japanese pop artists.

Satoru: Mr. Children.

What surprised you after you landed here?

Rei: The size of Starbucks drinks.

Satoru: How big the hamburgers are here.

Masato: Everything is bigger here.

U: (hand motion for larger chest sizes)

Since getting into the music industry, have you had any bad experiences with fans?

U: Nothing. Japanese fans: good. American fans: very good.

Have you ever tries Mexican food?

U: Tacos. We just had some yesterday evening.

Besides your own song, are there other anime songs you consider to be your favorite?

U: Dragon Ball Z’s CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA (by Hironobu Kageyama)!

Masato: Digimon’s song, and Evangelion’s Zankoku na Tenshi no Teeze (by Yoko Takahashi).

Rei: Shingeki no Kyojin.

Satoru: One Piece.

What places would you recommend visiting in Japan for those who want to go?

All: Tokyo. Kyoto. Go to Osaka and get takoyaki there. Shibuya. Lake Biwa. Go fishing and swimming there!

What do you like to do on your days off?

U: Everything! I love to eat sweets- especially cake and chocolate. My preferred ice cream of choice is Häagen-Dazs.

Rei: Everyday he eats three ice creams. For me, I either watch Netflix or sleep.

Masato: Do nothing.

Satoru: Drive to Japanese onsens.

Do you have any favorite video games you like to play?

U: Monster Farm for PlayStation.

Rei: Soccer games.

Masato: Dragon Quest.

Satoru: Final Fantasy XII.

U: We all like Pocket Monster.

If you could perform in any other place in the world, where would it be?

Masato: Asia.

Rei: Chili.

Satoru: France, Europe, Spin, England, and the U.K..

U: One more time here in California!

What’s your favorite song and would you sing a little bit of it, please?

Masato: (sings part of Evangelion’s, “Zankoku na Tenshi no Teeze”)

Rei, my friend thinks you’re cute. Can you sing for her?

Rei: I’ll sing my song, “Fireworks” (花火). (sings a clip of the song)

All of you are good dancers. Do you all make your own choreography, or do others make it for you?

U: Satoru made the hamburger and potato dance.

With time having passed by in the blink of an eye thanks to the four beautiful men that captivated every audience member in attendance from one second to the next, the Q&A panel came to a close with each member having one last message to say to their American fans:

Satoru: We’ll come back to California- it’s a promise!

Masato: I love California!

Rei: I love California!

U: Thank you all! Our goal is to come back with a lot of new songs! We’ll make a lot more opening songs and will definitely come back! We love you! Thank you so much!

Interested in learning more about THE BEAT GARDEN? Visit their official website where you can buy their merch and show off your love as a beemer. You can also follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and watch their videos on YouTube! Now go leave them your own personal message! Maybe one that sparks some… “side dish” conversations?!

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