
Q+A: Yang Bing and Lost Soul Aside

Move aside gaming world, because the competition just got that much harder thanks to Yang Bing, a game designer who created an ARPG called Lost Soul Aside all by himself in just two years. This sounds almost impossible to do, but Yang Bing is living proof that it can be done. While it may not be completed yet, this artist is carving a way for himself in the industry with his spectacular talent and visionary world.

Since Yang Bing is a new and rising developer, here are some questions and answers regarding both the game and the creator below.

Q: Thank you for having this interview with me. Your work is gorgeous and your aesthetic view point is very pleasing to the eye. With such a large fan-base and with Lost Soul Aside (LSA) becoming so well-known and viral in the gaming community, I’m sure many old and new fans want to know more about who Yang Bing is. How would you describe yourself?

A: I’m a gamer who has dreamt of creating a game and a comic book for a long time now. I like action games and beautiful artworks, as you can see.

Q: You have said you graduated from Dongguk University with an MFA degree. What degree is it?

A: It’s a Master of Fine Arts degree, where the courses were mainly about art and design.

Q: What was the inspiration for LSA? Why the title and particular character designs?

A: The initial inspiration was the trailer of FFXV from two years ago. I’m a fan of the Final Fantasy series, and I like the art style of FF very much. You can see how LSA looks very similar to FFXV, but there are many personal elements and stories I want to add into the game, and so LSA was created.


Q: What program did you use to develop LSA?

A: I used Unreal Engine 4 to develop LSA.

Q: You’ve previously mentioned you were inspired by the Final Fantasy XV trailer from two years ago, and that LSA is an ARPG with a gameplay combination of FFXV, Devil May Cry, and Ninja Gaiden. Did you find it hard to mix these gameplays into one creative piece? How would you describe the process?

A: Actually, I created the combat system first and then put it into the game world. I think it’s not a technically hard thing to do because games like Darksider have already done that.


Q: For over two years you’ve worked on the creation of this game by yourself. How were those 2 years? What helped you design the worlds and characters? What kept you motivated?

A: It was tough, but interesting. I referenced many other games and movies and followed my feeling of design. I like the game and I’m a typical Capricorn, so I just wanted to make it look good.

Q: With the trailer for LSA being so popular, it’s no surprise you’ve received interest from those who recognize your talents. What are some of the responses you’ve received from various developers and publishers?

A: Maybe it’s not a good time to mention this yet.

Q: Of course. Why did you enter the world of game development? Has this always been your dream?

A: Yeah. I had two dreams when I was a child. The first was to create a game, and the other was to draw a comic book. If I hadn’t entered the world of game development, I might have become a comic book artist instead.

Q: During your childhood, were there any memorable moments that helped lead you down the gaming path?

A: There was a period of my childhood where I couldn’t afford a PS2, so I had to play the games using my imagination. It sounds ridiculous, but I think it helped lead me onto the gaming path.

Q: What are some of your favorite video games?

A: FF7, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Street Fighter 4.

Q: Regarding LSA, what is the background story to your main character and his rival?

A: Their stories will be revealed when the game releases.


Q: How would you describe their personalities? Were they inspired from anyone?

A: They’re not inspired from anyone, but Kazer, the main character, is the kind of person I want to be.

Q: Who is the dragon?

A: His name is Arena. He’s one of the “monsters”.

Q: What have been some of the problems you’ve encountered while creating LSA?

A: The beginning was difficult since it was the first time I had ever used Unreal Engine 4.

Q: Are there any new ideas you plan or want to integrate into LSA?
A: There are many ideas that I want but haven’t put into LSA at this time.

Q: How would you describe the gaming industry right now as it stands? Does it need any improvement?

A: The market and the players change a lot. I don’t know if the situation can be changed manually.

Q: Would you consider making LSA into a virtual reality MMORPG? Maybe in any possible future spin-offs?

A: Currently, I just want to make it an ARPG game, maybe with a few multi-player elements.


Q: Who are your top three favorite characters from the video game universe?

A: Cloud Strife, Ryu Hayabusa (not the NG3 version), and Sieg Wahrheit.

Q: Do you think LSA has the potential to become a running series of multiple spin-offs?

A: Yes, I hope it can become a running series.

Q: Will you make special character skins like in other RPGs? (Like from One Punch Man or DMC?

A: Yes, I will make some skins for the character.

Q: Are there any words of encouragement or inspiration you have for other fellow artists and game designers such as yourself trying to create their own work like LSA?

A: I took the first step towards my dream and persevered my way through as I worked on it. This may work for other artists and designers as well.

Exclusive Bonus Content:yang-bing-final-bonus-attempt


That’s all there is to know now regarding LSA, but any new released information or updates can be found on either the game’s Facebook page @lostsoulaside, or Yang Bing’s Twitter @yagnbing!

©Yang Bing/ Lost Soul Aside. All Rights Reserved.

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